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[pytanko] Transfer

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Witam, mam takie pytanko odnośnie transferu. Ile by pochłaniał transferu server teamspeak2 na którym siedziało by cały czas ok 200 osob??

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Pewnie z 5mbitow jakby cały czas gadali - a jeśli w jednym pokoju to cieżko powiedzieć.

To 5mbitow to tak orientacyjnie.

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Ludzie kochani... Googlowanie nie boli! :)

Q:How much bandwidth does TeamSpeak require?


Especially the time and the mostly unknown factor how many people will speak at the same time for how long makes is nearly impossible to give a detailed result of how much bandwidth and traffic is required.




* Each person speaking sends one voice stream to the server

* The server decides based on who's in the same channel to whom the stream has to be sent.

* If 12 persons in the same channel speak at the same time, the server receives 12 voice streams and sends 12 voice streams to every one in the same channel.

* The server does not mix the voice streams.

* The server sends a heartbeat packet (66 Bytes) to each client each second which answers with a packet (62 Bytes).


The bandwidth and traffic requirement is depending on:


* The amount of channels and users

* Selected codec in the channels

* People speaking at the same time in same/different channel

* The server's uptime


This FAQ can only show you how you can calculate the bandwidth/traffic requirement for your server as only you know your specific setup and how often and how long people will talk on your server.


Bandwidth calculation for the server

We'll divide this into several examples which hopeful explain the calculation somewhat better. The first is a simple example we'll explain a little bit more in detail. For each example we use the following syntax:


DOWN: people_speaking_atm * selected_codec

UP: people_speaking_atm * (people_in_channel - 1) * selected_codec


The following would be a server with one channel set to Speex 25.9, 10 people in the only channel and one person is speaking:


DOWN: 1 * 25.9 Kbit/s = 25.9 Kbit/s

UP: 1 * (10 - 1) * 25.9 Kbit/s = 233.1 Kbit/s


As you see in this example, the DOWN bandwidth is usually not a problem but the UP bandwidth can be one - especially with home Internet access as they usually have asymmetric bandwidth where the DOWN bandwidth is much higher then the UP bandwidth.


Here's another example with one channel set to Speex 12.3, 10 people in the only channel and two persons are speaking:


DOWN: 1 * 12.3 Kbit/s = 12.3 Kbit/s

UP: 2 * (10 - 1) * 12.3 Kbit/s = 221.4 Kbit/s


The last example shows how the bandwidth requirement explodes when more then one people are speaking at the same time. In TeamSpeak 2 there is no setting to stop simultaneous speaking.

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Jak on nie mixuje to jednak straszny transfer mozna zrobic. Ale sa jeszcze chyba limity do ustawienia na kliencie.

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