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mod_rewrite apache to nginx

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mam taki problem, forum oprate o skrypt mybb z pluginem google seo przy włączaniu jest takie coś


Add to .htaccess:

RewriteEngine on

# Some hosts require RewriteBase to make RewriteRules work.
RewriteBase /forum/

# Google SEO workaround for search.php highlights:
# Make this rule the first rewrite rule in your .htaccess!
RewriteRule ^([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 [L,QSA,R=301]

# Google SEO 404:
ErrorDocument 404 /forum/misc.php?google_seo_error=404

# Google SEO Sitemap:
RewriteRule ^sitemap\-([^./]+)\.xml$ misc.php?google_seo_sitemap=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Forums:
RewriteRule ^Forum\-([^./]+)$ forumdisplay.php?google_seo_forum=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Threads:
RewriteRule ^Thread\-([^./]+)$ showthread.php?google_seo_thread=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Announcements:
RewriteRule ^Announcement\-([^./]+)$ announcements.php?google_seo_announcement=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Users:
RewriteRule ^User\-([^./]+)$ member.php?action=profile&google_seo_user=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Calendars:
RewriteRule ^Calendar\-([^./]+)$ calendar.php?google_seo_calendar=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

# Google SEO URL Events:
RewriteRule ^Event\-([^./]+)$ calendar.php?action=event&google_seo_event=$1 [L,QSA,NC]

przekonwertowałem to na

    rewrite ^/([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 permanent;
    rewrite ^/sitemap-([^./]+).xml$ /misc.php?google_seo_sitemap=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/Forum-([^./]+)$ /forumdisplay.php?google_seo_forum=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/Thread-([^./]+)$ /showthread.php?google_seo_thread=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/Announcement-([^./]+)$ /announcements.php?google_seo_announcement=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/User-([^./]+)$ /member.php?action=profile&google_seo_user=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/Calendar-([^./]+)$ /calendar.php?google_seo_calendar=$1 last;
    rewrite ^/Event-([^./]+)$ /calendar.php?action=event&google_seo_event=$1 last;

i po wejściu na stronę jest 404 Not Found co jest nie tak ?

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# ...your location settings are here...
# Google SEO workaround for search.php highlights:
# Make this rule the first rewrite rule in your .htaccess!
rewrite ^/([^&]*)&(.*)$$1?$2 permanent;

# Google SEO Sitemap:
rewrite ^/((?i)sitemap-([^./]+)\.xml)$ /misc.php?google_seo_sitemap=$2;

# Google SEO URL Forums:
rewrite ^/((?i)Forum-([^./]+))$ /forumdisplay.php?google_seo_forum=$2;

# Google SEO URL Threads:
rewrite ^/((?i)Thread-([^./]+))$ /showthread.php?google_seo_thread=$2;

# Google SEO URL Announcements:
rewrite ^/((?i)Announcement-([^./]+))$ /announcements.php?google_seo_announcement=$2;

# Google SEO URL Users:
rewrite ^/((?i)User-([^./]+))$ /member.php?action=profile&google_seo_user=$2;

# Google SEO URL Calendars:
rewrite ^/((?i)Calendar-([^./]+))$ /calendar.php?google_seo_calendar=$2;


# Google SEO URL Events:
rewrite ^/((?i)Event-([^./]+))$ /calendar.php?action=event&google_seo_event=$2;


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