kamilel 22 Zgłoś post Napisano Grudzień 25, 2011 Do plikow /etc/pam.d/login i /etc/pam.d/sshd dodalem session required pam_limits.so W pliku /etc/security/limits.conf ustawilem * hard nproc 7 * soft nproc 5 i nadal po wpisaniu w konsoli ){ :|:& }; : otrzymuje -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory [1]+ Done : | : Wie ktos czemu to nie dziala? 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kamilel 22 Zgłoś post Napisano Grudzień 25, 2011 ulimit -a pokazuje takie wartosci jakie wprowadzilem w limits.conf ale nadal fork bomb powoduje zawieszenie serwera. Mam centos 5.7 Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
kafi 2425 Zgłoś post Napisano Grudzień 25, 2011 A z poziomu jakiego użytkownika wykonujesz to polecenie? Czy nie przypadkiem... roota? Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
kamilel 22 Zgłoś post Napisano Grudzień 25, 2011 z roota xD ale w pliku limits.conf dodalem limity dla roota i bylo to samo Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach