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FreeBSD local r00t zeroday

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Pojawił się exploit wykorzystujący dziurę w Run-Time Link-Editor (rtld). Podatne są releasy od 7.0 do 8.0 :o


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Patch (tymczasowy):


cd /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf
patch < rtld.patch
make & make install


W przypadku błędu, edytować plik rtld.c, poszukać kod:



* If the process is tainted, then we un-set the dangerous environment

* variables. The process will be marked as tainted until setuid(2)

* is called. If any child process calls setuid(2) we do not want any

* future processes to honor the potentially un-safe variables.


if (!trust) {

unsetenv(LD_ "PRELOAD");

unsetenv(LD_ "LIBMAP");

unsetenv(LD_ "LIBRARY_PATH");

unsetenv(LD_ "LIBMAP_DISABLE");

unsetenv(LD_ "DEBUG");




i zmienić na:



* If the process is tainted, then we un-set the dangerous environment

* variables. The process will be marked as tainted until setuid(2)

* is called. If any child process calls setuid(2) we do not want any

* future processes to honor the potentially un-safe variables.


if (!trust) {

if (unsetenv(LD_ "PRELOAD") || unsetenv(LD_ "LIBMAP") ||

unsetenv(LD_ "LIBRARY_PATH") || unsetenv(LD_ "LIBMAP_DISABLE") ||

unsetenv(LD_ "DEBUG") || unsetenv(LD_ "ELF_HINTS_PATH")) {

_rtld_error("environment corrupt; aborting");





Jest to patch Colina Percivala, który jest FreeBSD Security Officerem.

Oficjalny patch prawdopodobnie ukaże się dziś lub jutro.

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