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Gość Łukasz Tkacz

Hyperspin po polsku?

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Gość Łukasz Tkacz

Dzisiaj dostałem taki email:


Dear sir/madam,


Please let me introduce myself as the owner of Hyperspin. Thank you for

using our service.


I would like to ask if you would be interested in partnering with us to

translate our website into Polish. This will be a good opportunity if

you like our service and would like to resell our service in Poland.


We can give you the following benefits if you help us:


1. Use up to $30 of our service (monitoring, SMS etc) for free every

month. If you have paying customers under our reseller program, you can

pay from this money as well.


2. Give you a reseller account and set your volume discount at 40% so

you earn more profit. Combine with 15% reseller discount, you get 49%

TOTAL discount!


3. Assign you as the "official Polish reseller". Hyperspin customers

who want Polish email support (since we can't provide) will be asked to

sign up your service instead. Those who don't mind using English email

support can still sign up with Hyperspin. This business referral is the

BEST and LONG TERM benefit for you!


Please let me know whether you are interested. We can discuss more.


Thank you.


Best regards,

ChoonKeng Chua


wysyłany raczej do każdego kto jest tam zarejestrowany a ustawiał że pochodzi z Polski.


Dla mnie nie robi to różnnicy ale to chyba dobra wiadomość - wiele osób będzie mogło skorzystać z polskiej wersji serwisu.

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