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Wszystko napisane przez kamilek

  1. AuthInfo po transferze do ovh

    Byłem święcie przekonany, że kod authinfo jest przypisany do domeny na stałe, nie zależnie od zmiany operatora domeny.
  2. [opinie]

    blade'y ?? dla mnie to na macierz wyglądało ...
  3. [opinie] No to chyba za dużego wpływu nie mieli na to co się działo
  4. [opinie]

    "Użytkownik Sido_pl (2379) nie ma w tej chwili wystawionych przedmiotów" A jeszcze wczoraj widziałem chyba ich oferty hostinku na allegro.
  5. [opinie]

    a ma ktoś link do ich profilu na allegro ?
  6. szukam vpsa pod strony

    Że tak zrobię OT - BO ???
  7. [opinie]

    Napisać do supportu ???
  8. [opinie]

    Cytat z ich stronki: "Oferowanie usług hostingowych wymaga wiele wysiłku, ale jako prężnie rozwijająca się firma stajemy na wysokości zadania oferując naszym klientom całodobową pomoc naszych techników. Nad pełnym bezpieczeństwem i utrzymaniem serwerów w należytym stanie czuwają nasi administratorzy." Ciekawe jak oni to robią - skoro siedzą na resellerze )
  9. co powinno być na serwerze ?

    Zaczynasz od zakupu maszyny, bez podstawowej wiedzy... Będzie ciężko.
  10. serwer z filmami i programami tv

    Serwer w Malezji - to raczej mało legalne
  11. EUserv Betatest

    No się później dziwić, że patrzą na Polaków jak na bydło...
  12. Zatrważające podobieństwo
  13. leży webh?

    Pewnie dla tego, że zacytowałem Twoją "stopkę". A i to była ironia...
  14. leży webh?

    Kropelki na uspokojenie... PS. "Hosting w Polsce na stabilnych i wydajnych serwerach już za 61zł rok!" -
  15. Kimsufi we włoszech?

    I tak wszystko ląduje we Francji.
  16. Efuturo leży?

    Chyba niezła "buba" była: 1). 2009-02-26 11:52:36 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:52:35, end: 11:52:36] server does not respond, the lack of response... 2). 2009-02-26 11:49:10 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:49:10, end: 11:49:10] server does not respond, the lack of response... 3). 2009-02-26 11:44:46 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:44:46, end: 11:44:46] server does not respond, the lack of response... 4). 2009-02-26 11:35:39 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:35:39, end: 11:35:39] server does not respond, the lack of response... 5). 2009-02-26 11:35:36 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:35:36, end: 11:35:36] server does not respond, the lack of response... 6). 2009-02-26 11:27:00 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:27:00, end: 11:27:00] server does not respond, the lack of response... 7). 2009-02-26 11:21:00 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:21:00, end: 11:21:00] server does not respond, the lack of response... 8). 2009-02-26 11:19:48 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:19:48, end: 11:19:48] server does not respond, the lack of response... 9). 2009-02-26 11:14:37 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:14:37, end: 11:14:37] server does not respond, the lack of response... 10). 2009-02-26 11:12:56 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:12:56, end: 11:12:56] server does not respond, the lack of response... 11). 2009-02-26 11:05:53 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:05:53, end: 11:05:53] server does not respond, the lack of response... 12). 2009-02-26 11:03:31 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 11:03:31, end: 11:03:31] server does not respond, the lack of response... 13). 2009-02-26 10:56:01 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:56:01, end: 10:56:01] server does not respond, the lack of response... 14). 2009-02-26 10:50:42 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:50:42, end: 10:50:42] server does not respond, the lack of response... 15). 2009-02-26 10:49:55 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:49:55, end: 10:49:55] server does not respond, the lack of response... 16). 2009-02-26 10:43:22 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:43:22, end: 10:43:22] server does not respond, the lack of response... 17). 2009-02-26 10:36:53 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:36:53, end: 10:36:53] server does not respond, the lack of response... 18). 2009-02-26 10:29:53 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:29:53, end: 10:29:53] server does not respond, the lack of response... 19). 2009-02-26 10:29:51 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:29:50, end: 10:29:51] server does not respond, the lack of response... 20). 2009-02-26 10:20:43 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:20:43, end: 10:20:43] server does not respond, the lack of response... 21). 2009-02-26 10:19:54 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:19:54, end: 10:19:54] server does not respond, the lack of response... 22). 2009-02-26 10:09:23 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:09:23, end: 10:09:23] server does not respond, the lack of response... 23). 2009-02-26 10:03:31 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 10:03:31, end: 10:03:31] server does not respond, the lack of response... 24). 2009-02-26 09:56:41 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:56:41, end: 09:56:41] server does not respond, the lack of response... 25). 2009-02-26 09:56:23 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:56:15, end: 09:56:23] server does not respond, the lack of response... 26). 2009-02-26 09:44:33 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:44:33, end: 09:44:33] server does not respond, the lack of response... 27). 2009-02-26 09:43:16 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:43:16, end: 09:43:16] server does not respond, the lack of response... 28). 2009-02-26 09:39:37 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:39:37, end: 09:39:37] server does not respond, the lack of response... 29). 2009-02-26 09:30:03 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:30:03, end: 09:30:03] server does not respond, the lack of response... 30). 2009-02-26 09:25:43 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:25:43, end: 09:25:43] server does not respond, the lack of response... 31). 2009-02-26 09:25:33 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:25:32, end: 09:25:33] server does not respond, the lack of response... 32). 2009-02-26 09:17:59 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:17:59, end: 09:17:59] server does not respond, the lack of response... 33). 2009-02-26 09:16:12 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:16:12, end: 09:16:12] server does not respond, the lack of response... 34). 2009-02-26 09:11:51 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:11:51, end: 09:11:51] server does not respond, the lack of response... 35). 2009-02-26 09:08:50 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:08:50, end: 09:08:50] server does not respond, the lack of response... 36). 2009-02-26 09:01:06 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 09:01:06, end: 09:01:06] server does not respond, the lack of response... 37). 2009-02-26 08:51:40 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:51:40, end: 08:51:40] server does not respond, the lack of response... 38). 2009-02-26 08:51:39 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:51:39, end: 08:51:39] server does not respond, the lack of response... 39). 2009-02-26 08:39:31 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:39:31, end: 08:39:31] server does not respond, the lack of response... 40). 2009-02-26 08:37:48 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:37:48, end: 08:37:48] server does not respond, the lack of response... 41). 2009-02-26 08:37:47 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:37:47, end: 08:37:47] server does not respond, the lack of response... 42). 2009-02-26 08:22:54 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:22:54, end: 08:22:54] server does not respond, the lack of response... 43). 2009-02-26 08:21:03 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:21:03, end: 08:21:03] server does not respond, the lack of response... 44). 2009-02-26 08:20:47 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:20:47, end: 08:20:47] server does not respond, the lack of response... 45). 2009-02-26 08:13:19 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:13:19, end: 08:13:19] server does not respond, the lack of response... 46). 2009-02-26 08:07:28 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:07:28, end: 08:07:28] server does not respond, the lack of response... 47). 2009-02-26 08:04:18 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:04:18, end: 08:04:18] server does not respond, the lack of response... 48). 2009-02-26 08:01:03 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 08:01:03, end: 08:01:03] server does not respond, the lack of response... 49). 2009-02-26 07:50:55 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:50:55, end: 07:50:55] server does not respond, the lack of response... 50). 2009-02-26 07:50:55 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:50:55, end: 07:50:55] server does not respond, the lack of response... 51). 2009-02-26 07:43:38 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:43:38, end: 07:43:38] server does not respond, the lack of response... 52). 2009-02-26 07:32:41 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:32:40, end: 07:32:41] server does not respond, the lack of response... 53). 2009-02-26 07:32:01 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:32:01, end: 07:32:01] server does not respond, the lack of response... 54). 2009-02-26 07:25:23 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:25:23, end: 07:25:23] server does not respond, the lack of response... 55). 2009-02-26 07:25:08 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:25:08, end: 07:25:08] server does not respond, the lack of response... 56). 2009-02-26 07:21:41 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:21:41, end: 07:21:41] server does not respond, the lack of response... 57). 2009-02-26 07:08:25 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:08:25, end: 07:08:25] server does not respond, the lack of response... 58). 2009-02-26 07:07:00 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:07:00, end: 07:07:00] server does not respond, the lack of response... 59). 2009-02-26 07:06:27 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 07:06:27, end: 07:06:27] server does not respond, the lack of response... 60). 2009-02-26 06:57:39 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:57:39, end: 06:57:39] server does not respond, the lack of response... 61). 2009-02-26 06:52:31 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:52:31, end: 06:52:31] server does not respond, the lack of response... 62). 2009-02-26 06:52:31 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:52:31, end: 06:52:31] server does not respond, the lack of response... 63). 2009-02-26 06:40:17 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:40:17, end: 06:40:17] server does not respond, the lack of response... 64). 2009-02-26 06:34:44 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:34:44, end: 06:34:44] server does not respond, the lack of response... 65). 2009-02-26 06:31:59 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:31:59, end: 06:31:59] server does not respond, the lack of response... 66). 2009-02-26 06:31:56 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:31:56, end: 06:31:56] server does not respond, the lack of response... 67). 2009-02-26 06:20:56 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:20:56, end: 06:20:56] server does not respond, the lack of response... 68). 2009-02-26 06:19:55 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:19:55, end: 06:19:55] server does not respond, the lack of response... 69). 2009-02-26 06:15:32 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:15:32, end: 06:15:32] server does not respond, the lack of response... 70). 2009-02-26 06:08:39 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:08:39, end: 06:08:39] server does not respond, the lack of response... 71). 2009-02-26 06:06:47 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:06:47, end: 06:06:47] server does not respond, the lack of response... 72). 2009-02-26 06:00:14 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:00:14, end: 06:00:14] server does not respond, the lack of response... 73). 2009-02-26 06:00:14 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 06:00:14, end: 06:00:14] server does not respond, the lack of response... 74). 2009-02-26 05:54:06 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:53:58, end: 05:54:06] server does not respond, the lack of response... 75). 2009-02-26 05:42:40 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:42:40, end: 05:42:40] server does not respond, the lack of response... 76). 2009-02-26 05:37:10 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:37:10, end: 05:37:10] server does not respond, the lack of response... 77). 2009-02-26 05:37:10 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:37:10, end: 05:37:10] server does not respond, the lack of response... 78). 2009-02-26 05:29:28 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:29:28, end: 05:29:28] server does not respond, the lack of response... 79). 2009-02-26 05:26:30 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:26:30, end: 05:26:30] server does not respond, the lack of response... 80). 2009-02-26 05:21:07 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:21:07, end: 05:21:07] server does not respond, the lack of response... 81). 2009-02-26 05:16:33 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:16:33, end: 05:16:33] server does not respond, the lack of response... 82). 2009-02-26 05:08:20 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:08:20, end: 05:08:20] server does not respond, the lack of response... 83). 2009-02-26 05:05:53 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:05:53, end: 05:05:53] server does not respond, the lack of response... 84). 2009-02-26 05:00:06 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 05:00:06, end: 05:00:06] server does not respond, the lack of response... 85). 2009-02-26 04:59:10 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:59:10, end: 04:59:10] server does not respond, the lack of response... 86). 2009-02-26 04:49:39 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:49:39, end: 04:49:39] server does not respond, the lack of response... 87). 2009-02-26 04:42:17 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:42:17, end: 04:42:17] server does not respond, the lack of response... 88). 2009-02-26 04:42:17 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:42:17, end: 04:42:17] server does not respond, the lack of response... 89). 2009-02-26 04:33:46 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:33:46, end: 04:33:46] server does not respond, the lack of response... 90). 2009-02-26 04:33:30 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:33:30, end: 04:33:30] server does not respond, the lack of response... 91). 2009-02-26 04:26:36 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:26:36, end: 04:26:36] server does not respond, the lack of response... 92). 2009-02-26 04:26:36 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:26:36, end: 04:26:36] server does not respond, the lack of response... 93). 2009-02-26 04:17:08 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:17:07, end: 04:17:08] server does not respond, the lack of response... 94). 2009-02-26 04:11:30 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:11:30, end: 04:11:30] server does not respond, the lack of response... 95). 2009-02-26 04:09:30 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 04:09:30, end: 04:09:30] server does not respond, the lack of response... 96). 2009-02-26 03:55:05 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 03:55:05, end: 03:55:05] server does not respond, the lack of response... 97). 2009-02-26 03:55:04 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 03:55:04, end: 03:55:04] server does not respond, the lack of response... 98). 2009-02-26 03:52:20 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 03:52:20, end: 03:52:20] server does not respond, the lack of response... 99). 2009-02-26 03:45:50 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 03:45:50, end: 03:45:50] server does not respond, the lack of response... 100). 2009-02-26 03:41:18 UTC +1:00 - [Start: 03:41:18, end: 03:41:18] server does not respond, the lack of response...
  17. [opinie]

    Raczej ciężko będzie znaleźć kogoś kto z tego korzystał, ale podobne oferty ma: USA: - w sumie to samo co bluehost Polska:
  18. jaki wybrac serwer?

    A sponsorem "koszulkowym" Wisły Kraków został
  19. Dedyk w Polsce - target w USA

    Skoro główny target to klienci z USA to zawsze lepiej mieć maszynę w stanach - tak jak dla klienteli europejskiej gdzieś w centrum europy - Francja, Niemcy, Polska
  20. Efuturo leży?

    This month 2009-02: ~ 98.88412 % 1). 2009-02-16 14:35:52 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:35:42, end: 14:35:52] server does not respond, the lack of response... 2). 2009-02-16 14:31:10 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:31:00, end: 14:31:10] server does not respond, the lack of response... 3). 2009-02-16 14:30:06 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:30:06, end: 14:30:06] server does not respond, the lack of response... 4). 2009-02-16 14:17:13 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:17:03, end: 14:17:13] server does not respond, the lack of response... 5). 2009-02-16 14:16:19 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:16:09, end: 14:16:19] server does not respond, the lack of response... 6). 2009-02-16 14:10:37 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:10:27, end: 14:10:37] server does not respond, the lack of response... 7). 2009-02-16 14:02:38 UTC +1:00 - [start: 14:02:28, end: 14:02:38] server does not respond, the lack of response... 8). 2009-02-16 13:59:29 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:59:20, end: 13:59:29] server does not respond, the lack of response... 9). 2009-02-16 13:55:42 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:55:32, end: 13:55:42] server does not respond, the lack of response... 10). 2009-02-16 13:51:33 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:51:23, end: 13:51:33] server does not respond, the lack of response... 11). 2009-02-16 13:49:36 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:49:26, end: 13:49:36] server does not respond, the lack of response... 12). 2009-02-16 13:37:01 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:36:51, end: 13:37:01] server does not respond, the lack of response... 13). 2009-02-16 13:30:15 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:30:05, end: 13:30:15] server does not respond, the lack of response... 14). 2009-02-16 13:29:43 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:29:33, end: 13:29:43] server does not respond, the lack of response... 15). 2009-02-16 13:22:11 UTC +1:00 - [start: 13:22:11, end: 13:22:11] server does not respond, the lack of response... 16). 2009-02-16 00:31:32 UTC +1:00 - [start: 00:31:32, end: 00:31:32] server does not respond, the lack of response...
  21. krzak Patrzę, że w ferie jak w wakacje wysyp nowych krzaków ) Ten próbuje stwarzać złudzenia firmy hostingowej. VAT 0% - no comment )
  22. krzak

    Dla ciebie na pewno - "szantażysto"
  23. - ?

    Jarek i Edart - ile firm z droższą ofertą "zjechało z rynku" jak firmy sprzedające hosting za "grosze" ??
  24. - ?

    Ja zauważyłem pewną prawidłowość - jeśli najtańsze konta kosztują w granicach 100zł rocznie to taki hosting ma szansę na "przetrwanie" - tańsze po prostu na siebie nie zarabiają, ten wypadek potwierdza tę regułę - poszli z ceną w dół zamiast cenę dać na normalnym poziomie i zadbać o jakość...
  25. [opinie]

    Zobacz portfolio ) PS. ale siedzą w tej samej serwerowni więc może to być prawda że jedno i drugie to to samo.