Witam już 3 razy odrzucili podanie o licencje non-profit.
Nie wiem co mam robić nie mam pojęcia co jest źle.
Może ktoś się orientuję i mógłby mi pomóc.
Załączam e-mail od teamspeaka.
2 e-mail:
** ATTENTION ** Your application for a Non-Profit License has been denied for the following reasons: * There are issues with the website you provided. There may be a problem with one or more of the items listed below: - You must provide a URL to an online, working website for your organization. - The website must have content and demonstrate community activity. Creating a website for the sole purpose of acquiring an NPL is not permitted. - 'Under Construction' websites are not permitted. - If content on your website requires login to access, provide us with a temporary username and password to review the website. - Free web or community pages (e.g. yahoo.com, gmx.de, facebook.com, laposte.net, orange.fr, seznam.cz, interia.eu, etc.) are not permitted. * Your website has content which is in violation of our NPL usage agreement. Reasons can be one or more of the following: - Donation requests of any kind and for any reason are prohibited. - Commercial activity (e.g. online store, marketplace, virtual currency/points/items, etc.) of any kind is not permitted. - Ads on your website or links to other websites that have ads and/or commercial activity are not permitted. - Sponsoring or offering free TeamSpeak servers/slots/channels is not permitted. - Sharing servers/slots/channels is not permitted. 3 e-mail:
** ATTENTION ** Your application for a Non-Profit License has been denied for the following reasons: * There are issues with the website you provided. There may be a problem with one or more of the items listed below: - You must provide a URL to an online, working website for your organization. - The website must have content and demonstrate community activity. Creating a website for the sole purpose of acquiring an NPL is not permitted. - 'Under Construction' websites are not permitted. - If content on your website requires login to access, provide us with a temporary username and password to review the website. - Free web or community pages (e.g. yahoo.com, gmx.de, facebook.com, laposte.net, orange.fr, seznam.cz, interia.eu, etc.) are not permitted.
Podaje link do strony którą podowałem przy podaniu: